Program Settings >





Expand key - check the keys you want to use to start text shortcut expansion. (The keys that need to be hit after a text shortcut is typed)

Do not delete expand key - if checked the expand key is not deleted.

Text shortcut recognition break characters  - the characters listed here cannot be part of text shortcut. This means that text shortcut recognition is restarted when such character is typed. Some keys causes this automatically (for example, page up, page down, tab, arrow keys, enter, etc.) but additional characters can be specified here.
For example, we have "sct" text shortcut. When typing "(sct " the "sct" shortcut is correctly expanded only if the "(" character is listed in "non-text shortcut characters" field.

Hints Window

Jump to hints window hot-key
Hot-key that allows to jump to showing hint window to navigate among items listed.  "Alt+." is the default hot-key.

Disable text shortcuts and auto-complete hints
There is a small window that appears any time when the user is typing a text that (partially) matches defined text shortcut or auto-text. The window contains all the auto-text items and text shortcuts that are in the scope of the window (application) the user is typing in. The best fitting item is being preselected in the list and user can start it by pressing "Alt+Right Arrow" key combination. The user can also jump into the hints window using a user defined hot key (see above) and navigate in the list using "Up" and "Down" keys.

[ ] If this disable option is checked then the hints window is not showing.

Disable hot-key hints
This is the same small window as described above. It appears any time user presses a control key (for example "Ctrl" key) and such key is part of a macro hot-key available (in scope) in the currently active application. Again, all available hot-keys are listed and best fitting one is preselected.

[ ] If this disable option is checked then the hints window is disabled and is not showing.